Thanks for looking at the website. There are plenty more galleries to come including additional schools, kindergartens and scrapyards so keep checking back. In April I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Keri Phillips for Rear Vision ahead of the 31st anniversary of the disaster.
Information regarding the use of photographs can be found at the bottom of the page. If you would like to ask a question about Chernobyl, provide feedback, or just say hi please do so via the form below.
Take care out there, Paul
Contact form
About the website
I first visited Chernobyl and Pripyat on a day trip from Kyiv in 2007. Kyiv is a great city and certainly worthy of your time. The tour of the Exclusion Zone itself was both frustrating and fascinating. So much to see, so little time and with a guide who watched over our every move.
That day trip only served to heighten my curiosity and by 2010 I could no longer resist the urge to return and was fortunate to secure a 4 day tour that exceeded all my expectations. Confident I’d got the place well and truly out of my system I returned home a happy man with many full memory cards only for the gravity of Pripyat to once again take hold leading to a second 4 day visit in 2011.
I could drone on about Pripyat and the surrounding area for hours. To me it is many things including sad, peaceful and surprisingly beautiful. It is also rapidly changing. The harsh Ukrainian seasons are taking their toll on the buildings and metal reclamation is fast removing cranes, vehicles and boats at a rapid pace. If you’re interested in going I recommend going soon.
The aim of this website is to go some way to documenting the buildings and landscape of the Zone on one website. I am not a professional photographer but I hope the photographs convey something of what it’s like to visit the area.
The photographs used on this website that feature the Chernobyl Gallery watermark can be used free of charge for non commercial work, however they must not be altered in any way (providing a link to the website will bring you good Karma). Further details of this agreement can be found on the Creative Commons website. I am happy to provide higher-res versions if required.
If you would like to do over and above what’s stated above, ask me, I could well say yes.
To date photographs have featured in exhibitions in Brazil, Russia, Italy and America.

Poster based on a photograph from the website.