Buriakivka is one of three storage sites, within the Exclusion Zone able to handle radioactive waste.

Situated on the shoreline of a beautiful lake, Cafe Pripyat was naturally a popular destination for the young city dwellers.

Once inhabited by over 14,000 people Chernobyl was largely abandoned following the disaster as the Exclusion Zone was established.

The ships now located at Chernobyl’s dockyard were contaminated with radiation following the nuclear disaster. Some were used in the subsequent clean up but others were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Shmaragd holiday camp is where the children of Pripyat would spend their summer holidays.

Pripyat's largest factory functioned as radiology laboratory following the disaster until abandoned for good in 1996.

One of 5 secondary schools in Pripyat. Located on Sportivnaya Street, right next door to the indoor swimming pool, it houses the most photographed collection of gas masks in Pripyat.

Pripyat's community center situated in the centre of the city on Lenin Square.

The bus station was a major transport hub for the growing population of the city and surrounding villages.

The letters on the roof of the hospital read “Здоров’я народу – багатство країни” or “health of the people – riches of the country”.

Having seen photos taken from within Chernobyl's unfinished Reactors 5 and 6 this was one of the places I had really hoped to visit. Rarely can anything be guaranteed in the zone so when we pulled up to the gate next to the reactors I had my fingers well and truly crossed.

Parishiv had population of 678 prior to 1986, today it is home to just 16. Located within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and heavily contaminated following the disaster Parishiv is where Maria Urupa, now aged 81, continues to live.

A clinic for the treatment of chronic diseases and medically supervised recuperation in Pripyat.

Swimming pool “Lazúrnyj” or Azure is the most well known of the three indoor swimming pools in Pripyat.

Yanov railway station is named after the isolated village that it once served. Commissioned in 1925 it was to play a vital role in the construction of Pripyat and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plants 40 years later.